North River Covenant Bible Camp's Mission is to work together with the Church and Alaskan communities to connect youth and adults to God through biblical teaching, worship and fun in a wilderness setting.
Covenant Bible Camp is a place that is:
Our core values are collaboratively discerned, God-given gifts which drive our ministry and inform our identity. They function as trail markers, guiding forward progress in ministry and evaluation of our programs. Our core values answer the questions: What are we passionate about? Who is God calling us to be?
· Centered in Christ
Bible Camp is a place to be reminded that all are created, loved and called by God to experience new life in Christ and to be part of the Kingdom. We encounter the transforming love of the risen Jesus through the Word, prayer, testimony, and relationships.
· Renewing Healthy Relationships
We believe God created us for good, and for personal relationships with Him, one another, and the whole creation. Bible Camp is a place to begin or strengthen a relationship with God, to initiate and deepen friendship with others, and to enjoy the beautiful and wild space that God has given us.
· A Safe Place for Healing
Camp is a safe place to experience healing through hearing and sharing stories, and through prayer. In hearing stories of hope, we are reminded that God is still active in binding up the broken-hearted, bringing hope to the hopeless, and transforming lives. As we share our stories with one another, we remember what God has done in the world, celebrate what He is doing and anticipate what He will do.
· Fun
We believe God loves us and enjoys seeing us have fun. We value trying new things, hilarious skits, loud songs, crazy games and laughter. It’s through play that we become more childlike - more humbly ready to grow, more open to relationships, and more authentically ready to be present and still before God.
· Celebrating Alaska Native Culture
Native Alaskans have been going to camp upriver for thousands of years. Fish camp. Berry camp. Jesus went camping too. We treasure the gift of Alaska Native cultures and traditions and celebrate the unique ways they reflect God’s intentions for human thriving revealed in the Scriptures. We eat fry bread. We seal hop. We celebrate subsistance. We listen well and share our stories. We respect creation. We honor elders.
· Wilderness
In the Bible, God often spoke to people in the wilderness. We believe this is still true. We have no electronics at camp because we believe that reducing the noise of modern technology allows us to open our eyes, ears, and hearts to listen to the still small voice of
God which whispers through the songs of the birds, the wind on the tundra and the flow of the river.
· Stewardship
We believe God has called us to faithfully care for the resources and people placed into our hands for Kingdom work. We strive for excellence in stewardship.
North River Covenant Bible Camp's Mission is to work together with the Church and Alaskan communities to connect youth and adults to God through biblical teaching, worship and fun in a wilderness setting.
Covenant Bible Camp is a place that is:
- Christ and Biblically centered
- Grows leaders that make a difference in church and community
- Provides health and healing for individuals, families and communities in a positive, supportive environment with beautiful well stewarded resources
Our core values are collaboratively discerned, God-given gifts which drive our ministry and inform our identity. They function as trail markers, guiding forward progress in ministry and evaluation of our programs. Our core values answer the questions: What are we passionate about? Who is God calling us to be?
· Centered in Christ
Bible Camp is a place to be reminded that all are created, loved and called by God to experience new life in Christ and to be part of the Kingdom. We encounter the transforming love of the risen Jesus through the Word, prayer, testimony, and relationships.
· Renewing Healthy Relationships
We believe God created us for good, and for personal relationships with Him, one another, and the whole creation. Bible Camp is a place to begin or strengthen a relationship with God, to initiate and deepen friendship with others, and to enjoy the beautiful and wild space that God has given us.
· A Safe Place for Healing
Camp is a safe place to experience healing through hearing and sharing stories, and through prayer. In hearing stories of hope, we are reminded that God is still active in binding up the broken-hearted, bringing hope to the hopeless, and transforming lives. As we share our stories with one another, we remember what God has done in the world, celebrate what He is doing and anticipate what He will do.
· Fun
We believe God loves us and enjoys seeing us have fun. We value trying new things, hilarious skits, loud songs, crazy games and laughter. It’s through play that we become more childlike - more humbly ready to grow, more open to relationships, and more authentically ready to be present and still before God.
· Celebrating Alaska Native Culture
Native Alaskans have been going to camp upriver for thousands of years. Fish camp. Berry camp. Jesus went camping too. We treasure the gift of Alaska Native cultures and traditions and celebrate the unique ways they reflect God’s intentions for human thriving revealed in the Scriptures. We eat fry bread. We seal hop. We celebrate subsistance. We listen well and share our stories. We respect creation. We honor elders.
· Wilderness
In the Bible, God often spoke to people in the wilderness. We believe this is still true. We have no electronics at camp because we believe that reducing the noise of modern technology allows us to open our eyes, ears, and hearts to listen to the still small voice of
God which whispers through the songs of the birds, the wind on the tundra and the flow of the river.
· Stewardship
We believe God has called us to faithfully care for the resources and people placed into our hands for Kingdom work. We strive for excellence in stewardship.