Trailblazer Camp
This session is for campers who have just completed grade 5 or 6. These campers are full of energy and will be able to try new things at camp including archery, canoes, and the “mini-musk ox run.” Campers will learn about the Bible from great speakers and and enjoy a great time of meeting new friends. |
Sample Schedule
8:30 Wake Up
9:00 Breakfast
9:45 Chores/Cabin Cleanup
10:15 Chapel (songs and Bible lesson)
11:15 Morning Game
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Afternoon activities (Hike, archery, fishing, arts & crafts, etc.)
3:00 Time with cabin
4:00 Free time (canteen, games, etc.)
5:30 Dinner
6:30 Big Game
7:30 Chapel (song and a Bile lesson)
8:30 Snack, get ready for bed & devotional time
10:00 Bed time
9:00 Breakfast
9:45 Chores/Cabin Cleanup
10:15 Chapel (songs and Bible lesson)
11:15 Morning Game
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Afternoon activities (Hike, archery, fishing, arts & crafts, etc.)
3:00 Time with cabin
4:00 Free time (canteen, games, etc.)
5:30 Dinner
6:30 Big Game
7:30 Chapel (song and a Bile lesson)
8:30 Snack, get ready for bed & devotional time
10:00 Bed time